“I always say the instructors there are “helping people help other people.”

Emily Nichols completed the Licensed Massage Therapy program at Isothermal in 2012. She has owned and operated a successful business in Spindale since 2013. Here’s what Emily has to say about Isothermal:

The massage program was a perfect fit for me. Being a student was never one of my strong suits. Therefore, I never saw myself attending college, much less a university. In less than a year, I was able to complete my training and be adequately equipped to take my state board exams and become licensed in NC. Then I was able to immediately jump into the work force. I am thankful I had the opportunity to get this training locally. Not only did the staff at ICC help me learn a trade, they also helped me to find my passion and purpose in life. Seeing how I am in the business of helping others, I always say the instructors there are “helping people help other people.”

ICC has an abundance of courses and programs to choose from that providing a good foundation for everyone. You can learn prerequisite courses before attending a university or learn a trade through one of their many trade job programs. We are fortunate our community has a school that offers those options for everyone and at an affordable cost.